Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What would you like to see?

Hey guys, just a quick question for anyone reading this! What would you like to see in this blog?
I love responding to comments, and I constantly play the game, but I don't know anything about what the readers actually want to read. There's already the singapore blog doing translations: http://pineapplemania.wordpress.com/ so aside from direct translations of sets, what would you like to see? I tried doing a variety of posts, but I'm not sure if anyone even read anything. If anyone has any comments or suggestions as to what to do, just let me know! Whether it's take pictures of my collections, post my decklists, etc. I'm willing to give tips and help people out with any questions, but if you have any suggestions, please let me know! Thanks!



  1. erm...if set aside the direct translation, I think is the sharing of experience for different use of card deck. Although diff ppl have diff style to ply, but good also for ppl do as reference
    (this my personal comment)

  2. hi,I'm a new immigrant in the US,but I deeply love Precious Memories card game and always play with webcam. If we can have a msn group,maybe easier for someone to reach or learn the rules by webcam.

    here is my personal deck list~

    1. I am glad to hear another english speaking player likes precious memories! I live in japan, so the time difference might be difficult, but if we are both free, i would be glad to play online! My friend and i often play online with a webcam, so its no problem! My msn messenger address is xctalimu @ hotmail .com (no spaces). Please send me a message!

    2. wow, you're in japan now!? that's so cool!
      I add you msn already. Actually,I from China, and just come to the US for a year. the other thing, I never play tcg with english speaker, maybe some of the terms I'll need you help, but I think we can still have a lot of fun.

  3. I'd like to see more translations. The game looks fun, but it's hard to get into it when you can hardly understand the cards! I'm a US player trying to get into it, but my Japanese is still terrible and I can hardly navigate the site. Where do you get game boards?

  4. Is it possible to have a webpage which have all those set translation? I can give some help as well :) Also I live in California. I am wondering where can I buy PM here.

    1. I don't know how to make an actual webpage. As far as set translations go, because they're releasing sets so quickly, it's almost a lost cause because I don't have the time to translate a new set (or two) every month.

      As far as getting cards in the US, buying boxes and stuff from amiami or some other foreign import site is your best bet.

    2. Ah thanks for your reply. Yea they are releaseing new set like every 1.5 month XD! Also I am wondering will it be a good idea to open a store over here and sell PM also where can I find other PM players? Will be great if I can find a bunch of other players since I can't play it by myself LOL

    3. I think that a dedicated PM store might not do so well, but maybe a card store that also sells PM might do ok. There's a place in singapore that plays. You would definitely have to translate every set that comes out and stuff, though. Plus, at this point in time, it seems as if premem isn't the right game to get into. Too many sets, with each set making the last one obsolete, as well as the fact that compared to when the game first came out, the SRs are getting more and more expensive. IMO you're actually better off not getting into it.
