This is just a small cheat-sheet for those who want to learn prememo, but don't feel they have a good enough grip on Japanese. Obviously this takes a basic reading/grammar level to understand because I'm explaining the terms here with how they relate to the game, not actual Japanese grammer, though obviously they can all be applied to real Japanese grammar.
Anyways, if you have any questions about a specific term that's not listed here on this post, then feel free to post in the comments and I'll add that term to this post! Hit the jump to view the cheat sheet!
登場 (とうじょう)– come into play (from your hand by paying it’s cost)
退場 (たいじょう)– leave play/get trashed (from losing in battle)
アプローチ – to attack/approach
妨害 (ぼうがい) – to block
手札 (てふだ)- hand
山札 (やまふだ) – deck
捨て置き場 (すておきば) – trash pile
ポイント置き場 (ぽいんとおきば) – point pile
~枚 (~まい) - ~cards (for example 2枚 = 2 cards)
カード1枚を引く (カードいちまいをひく) - to draw 1 card
捨てにする (すてにする)- to trash, whether it’s from your hand, or a character in play.
アプローチ/妨害に参加する場合 (さんかするばあい)– If (your character/one of your characters) participates in attacking/blocking.
場に出す (ばにだす)– To be put into play (without paying it’s actual cost)
手札に加える (てふだにくわえる) – To put into your hand
休息状態 (きゅうそくじょうたい) - tapped/in “rest” state
活動状態 (かつどうじょうたい) – untapped, in “ready to move” state
ターン終了時 (ターンしゅうりょうじ)– end of the turn
~を得る (~をえる) – to give ~ (for example +10/+10を得る – give +10/+10, or アクティブを得る, to give a character active)
自分の~ (じぶんの) - your own ~
相手の~ (あいての) – The opponent’s ~
AをBに~戻す (もどす) – to return A to B (for example, 捨て置き場にあるキャラ1枚を自分の手札に戻すことができる – You can return a character from your trash pile to your hand)
~する場合, A (するばあい) – if this turn in the event of ~, then A
~するごとに,A – Anytime ~ happens (can be multiple times in one turn, for example 自分のキャラが登場するごとにこのキャラがターン終了時まで+10/+10を得る – Whenever you play a character, this character gets +10/+10 until the end of the turn)
天然 (てんねん) – The ability that means when this character attacks, characters with cost ~ or less can’t block it. So a tennen 2 character can’t be blocked by characters 2 source or less.
全ての~ (すべての) – all of your ~
次 (つぎ) – next
以上 (いじょう) – equal to or more than
以下 (いか) – equal to or less than
発生コスト (はっせいコスト) – source (example, このカードは、「高坂 桐乃」のコストとして使用する場合、発生コスト+2を得る – When this card is used to pay for a “Takasaka Kirino”’s cost, it gets source +2)
使用コスト (しようコスト) - Cost (example :自分のキャラ1枚は、このターン、使用コストの値が4以上のキャラには妨害されない。 One of your characters this turn can’t be blocked by characters who have a cost of 4 or more)
使用条件 (しようじょうけん) - requirement for using (for example, 4 or more characters, etc)
When a card can be played:
メイン – Main
アプローチ – approach
自分 – your turn
相手 – opponent’s turn
両方 – both/either turn
割り込み – as an interruption (only used for countering characters/events etc)
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